Monday 16 May 2011

Finished NSS Sting!!

Here it is! With sound too!
I like it alot, and am so pleased with the job my fellow animators did for it, so a big thanks to them! Success, i think!
Also a big thanks to Gal for getting us some awesome sound for it!! really helps make the film
Finally, on an evaluation note, i think personally the credits at the end etc could have lasted for longer, as they are rather quick at the end and thus hard to read. Also, the sound is quiet, i'm not sure how that happened but thats something to sort out next time. Too late to change anything, but those are a couple of things bugging me slightly. Ah well, all in all, i'm happy with it.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Coloured Animation Video

Here's the full reinked recoloured rendered out version of my part of the sting. Not necessarily the final version but virtually finished:

Monday 2 May 2011

New lines! and Sound!

I decided that the lines were too thick and generally messy. Therefore I spent 2 days reinking the entire thing and colouring it again. I used thinner lines this time and i personally think that it look a whole lot neater than before. Here are some screens to show the comparison between old and new:

Also, I am happy to reveal that someone from the Audio Production course has contacted me and volunteered to help put some music to this sting! I am very excited about this, so hopefully the finished sting will have sound. I was sent a trial music clip and thought it was perfect, so this should be awesome!

Monday 18 April 2011

Ground n Sound

So i decided the plain white setting was boring. After staring at two colourful dinosaurs floating in nothingness for many weeks i felt it was time to give them some gravity. The floor was painted in SAI.
Also, i wanted to try some comic-like sound effects. This is because we are unsure of what is happening with sound at the moment, so it would be good to try and make this film okay as a silent piece just incase.
The RAWR sound effects animate as Pippy hops about in his tantrum.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Character and Colour Refs

Here are some characters sketches/refs I did prior to starting the animation. I kept the designs quite rounded and simple so that they could be easily but effectively animated. The colour refs show the initial style idea i had for the film, but later it was decided that everything would be coloured in flash instead.

Friday 8 April 2011

More Colour

So Both dinos are now coloured. I am not having backgrounds, as i wanted to keep this piece of animation about the characters themselves. Any background might detract from that.
Now i am waiting for my teammates to finish off their pieces of animation so we can start getting the final thing together.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Adding Colour

So i've now animated all that I was allocated to do, and whilst the other members of the team get their scenes brushed up, i started on colouring my part. I'm keeping the lines thick and sketchy, with just block colours, as i think keeping it simple will keep it effective. Colouring was tricky, as i had to close all the lines on the sketch first and paste it across to a new layer. That alone took hours. Next time i'll make sure the basic sketch is cleaner first...

Wednesday 30 March 2011

First 11 secs of animation

I spent 5 hours last wednesday and about 5 hours also yesterday animating. Worked out around 11 seconds of animation. I enjoy this kind of animation, having simple characters twitching and tilting heads and such. Trying to practise my spacing too. I want to get ahead of myself now so i dont fall behind later.

The Animatic

So i've got my animatic for my NSS sting. Its about two dinosaurs, one young student and one more mature. The young one wants attention, whereas the older is trying to fill out his NSS survey. When he sees that he can get £5 free printer credit, he wants to fill one out too. This is the basic idea behind my sting.